A watershed is an area of land that drains into a common body of water, such as a stream, river, lake, or ocean. Rain and snow that falls within a watershed will eventually flow into that common body of water. During a heavy rainstorm or rapid snow melt, water enters the watershed too quickly for the land to absorb and manage, causing stormwater runoff. This runoff can carry pollution to these bodies of water and can also contribute to flooding.
Watershed planning areas

Cal-Sag Channel Watershed

Little Calumet River Watershed

Lower Des Plaines River Watershed

North Branch of the Chicago River Watershed

Poplar Creek Watershed

Upper Salt Creek Watershed
WPC meetings
Watershed Planning Council (WPC) meetings are held quarterly for each watershed and provide an opportunity to learn about and discuss:
- MWRD projects in your watershed,
- updates to the Watershed Management Ordinance,
- channel maintenance by the Small Streams Maintenance Program, and
- local stormwater issues and other updates from other government agencies.
Click on the links below to learn more and to attend the next to attend the next WPC meeting in your watershed.