Space To Grow
Providing kids with a place to play and an outlet for stormwater
Since 2014, the MWRD has partnered with the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) and Chicago Department of Water Management (CDWM), Healthy Schools Campaign (HSC) and Openlands to transform CPS schoolyards into dynamic places to learn and play, while also educating them on the importance of green infrastructure to manage stormwater. This program known as Space to Grow has transformed over 34 schoolyards over that time with more schoolyard upgrades to come.
One schoolyard with multiple benefits
Capturing more rainfall
These permeable surface areas are equipped with new playgrounds, turf fields, rain gardens and other features designed to collect more rainfall and keep it out of the sewers.
An education on green infrastructure
Green infrastructure practices like those used for the Space to Grow program manage the water by storing it and allowing it to slowly soak into the underlying soil. This natural landscaping concept manages water and provides environmental and community benefits. Between Space to Grow and partnerships with local governmental entities, the MWRD has completed more than 100 green infrastructure projects throughout Cook County.
More schoolyards in store
The MWRD Board of Commissioners in March 2024 approved plans to enter into an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) with CPS that would allow the MWRD to spend up to $15.9 million through 2026 on schoolyard transformation projects through the Space to Grow program. The MWRD, CPS and CDWM are the program’s capital partners and pay for design and installation of Space to Grow schoolyards. HSC and Openlands are facilitating partners and fundraise to cover the project’s non-construction costs, including training and support for schools, community workshops, evaluation and project management.
The partnership has been so popular and effective that the MWRD is simultaneously pursuing federal funding opportunities to launch a pilot program at schoolyards in the suburban communities of Cicero, Burnham, Franklin Park and Summit.
Before and after
Grissom Elementary School, 12810 S. Escanaba Ave., Hegewisch neighborhood, storing 253,902 gallons.
Cook Elementary School, 8150 S. Bishop St., Auburn Gresham neighborhood, storing 217,978 gallons.
Davis Elementary School, 3014 W. 39th Pl., Brighton Park neighborhood, storing 197,422 gallons.
Space to Grow Playground Transformation

Green Infrastructure

You Can Help Prevent Flooding and Protect Water Quality

Rain Barrels